Similar companies to 4C Insights (part of Flashtalking by Mediaocean)
4C Insights is a data science and marketing technology company that provides advertisers with advanced analytics and insights to optimize their marketing campaigns. The company combines data from various sources, including social media platforms, to create a comprehensive view of consumer behavior and preferences. By leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, 4C Insights helps brands target the right audience at the right time and through the most effective channels. The company's solutions enable advertisers to make data-driven decisions, enhance their advertising strategies, and improve campaign performance. Additionally, being a part of Flashtalking by Mediaocean, 4C Insights benefits from the broader capabilities and resources of these companies in delivering comprehensive advertising solutions. Below is the list of lookalike companies of 4C Insights (part of Flashtalking by Mediaocean):
About Mediaocean Mediaocean employs 1,600 staff across 30 global offices and supports over 100,000 people using its products.Jan 11, 2023
How do you find similar companies to 4C Insights (part of Flashtalking by Mediaocean)?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of 4C Insights (part of Flashtalking by Mediaocean) and compare that with other companies.
Similarity score
We look into multiple data points to determine company similarity score. These data points include:
CPA data
keywords companies bid on display ads on search engines
Company description keywords
Including industry indicators and specialties
Employee description keywords
what people actually do at the company
Publicly available comparison data
such as reviews of competing products/services
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