Alfanar is a multinational company that specializes in electrical engineering, construction, and manufacturing. With its headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Alfanar operates across various sectors including power, infrastructure, industrial, and renewable energy. The company offers a wide range of products and services, such as electrical equipment, transformers, cables, switchgears, and integrated power systems. Alfanar also provides turnkey solutions for power plants, substations, and infrastructure projects. It has a strong presence in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia, catering to the needs of both public and private sectors. Alfanar aims to deliver high-quality, innovative solutions, contributing to the development of sustainable and efficient energy solutions worldwide. Below is the list of lookalike companies of alfanar:
Saudi Arabia
10,001+ employees
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
Alfanar, the Saudi Arabian energy and electricity holding company owned by brothers Abdusalam Almutlaq and Sabah Almutlaq, registered a new subsidiary in the UK in late April, the latest move in a major charm offensive it has been waging in the country, through the accounting firm Blick Rothenberg.May 9, 2023
Who is the CEO of alfanar?
Jamal Wadi
Where is alfanar company located in Saudi Arabia?
The complex, located in Riyadh's Third Industrial Zone, houses an array of ultra-modern manufacturing facilities and laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and staffed by highly-trained professionals.
What is the revenue of alfanar?
The alfanar Co. annual revenue was $5 billion in 2021.
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