A.O. Smith Corporation is an American company that specializes in manufacturing and selling water heaters and boilers for residential and commercial use. With a history dating back to 1874, A.O. Smith has become a leading global provider of water heating solutions. The company offers a wide range of products, including tankless water heaters, heat pump water heaters, solar water heaters, and storage tanks. A.O. Smith serves both the residential and commercial markets, providing reliable and energy-efficient solutions for hot water needs. Additionally, the company has expanded its product portfolio to include water treatment systems and air purification products. A.O. Smith focuses on innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction to meet the diverse needs of its customers worldwide. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Ao Smith:
Ao Smith
Myself Only
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
A. O. Smith Corporation is one of the world's leading manufacturers of residential and commercial water heaters and boilers, offering a comprehensive product line featuring the best-known brands in North America, China, India, Vietnam and Europe.
Is A. O. Smith a good brand?
You can also trust A.O. Smith tank-style water heaters to run properly for up to 10 years. While you may be limited with your electric choices, if you like gas-powered tank-style water heaters (whether that be natural or propane gas), you can't go wrong with A.O.Aug 29, 2022
Is State and A. O. Smith the same company?
State Water Heaters, is a brand of A.O. Smith Corporation, which leads the world in the manufacture of water heaters for residential and commercial use.
Who makes A. O. Smith Motors?
Century Electric Motor Company, previously AO Smith Motors, is part of the Regal Beloit family. Widely used in commercial HVAC applications, Century motors are also popular in agricultural and industrial functions.
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