Similar companies to Bell 47 Helicopter Association
The Bell 47 Helicopter Association is an organization dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of the Bell 47 helicopter. The Bell 47, also known as the "Bubblecopter," is an iconic helicopter that was widely used for various applications, including agriculture, aerial photography, and military operations. The association aims to connect enthusiasts, pilots, and collectors of the Bell 47 helicopter through events, forums, and resources. They provide a platform for members to share knowledge, experiences, and technical expertise related to this historic aircraft. Additionally, the association promotes the restoration and preservation of Bell 47 helicopters, ensuring their continued presence in the aviation community. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Bell 47 Helicopter Association:
A subsidiary of Textron, Bell manufactures military rotorcraft at facilities in Fort Worth, and Amarillo, Texas, USA as well as commercial helicopters in Mirabel, Quebec, Canada.
What helicopter did they use in mash?
The H‑13D was primarily used by the Army as an evacuation helicopter that became the mainstay of the MASH (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) units during the Korean War. Eighty percent of the 25,000 helicopter evacuations in Korea were accomplished by Army and Marine H‑13s.
How do you find similar companies to Bell 47 Helicopter Association?
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