Similar companies to Carta

Carta is a company that provides a platform for equity management and valuation services. Their platform is designed to help companies manage their ownership, equity, and assets efficiently. Carta offers tools for cap table management, equity plans, valuations, and compliance. By utilizing their platform, companies can easily issue employee stock options, track equity transactions, and maintain accurate ownership records. Carta's services also include 409A valuations, which help companies determine the fair market value of their common stock for tax and accounting purposes. Overall, Carta aims to simplify equity management and enable companies to streamline their ownership and compliance processes. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Carta:

Carta Logo Carta
United States
1001-5000 employees
Software Development
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People also ask:

What does Carta company do?
Carta is a cloud-based solution that helps organizations in the finance industry streamline and manage portfolios, valuations, holdings and more. It provides enterprises with a fund administrative module, which enables venture capitalists to review evolving Internal Rate of Returns (IRR) on a centralized dashboard.
Is Carta legit?
"Their documentation and blog are very helpful in understanding all the terms and nuance of stock options." "Overall I have had a positive experience with Carta and am glad it exists to easily manage stock options." "It has a clean layout and makes it easy to view all your paperwork.
Is Carta going to IPO?
What's next: Carta has no plans to IPO any time soon, with Ward saying shareholders have been able to find liquidity by selling shares on its CartaX platform. The earliest Carta would begin considering such a move is in 2025 or 2026, Ward said.Nov 3, 2022
How does Carta make money?
Carta handles financial and operational complexities for venture-backed companies and the funds investing in them. It has built an extensive network of startups and investors by managing cap tables, equity, and back-office work.
How do you find similar companies to Carta?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Carta and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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