Similar companies to Celestica

Celestica is a multinational electronics manufacturing services company headquartered in Toronto, Canada. It offers a wide range of design, manufacturing, and supply chain solutions to various industries including aerospace, healthcare, industrial, and communications. The company specializes in providing end-to-end product lifecycle solutions, from product concept and development to after-market services. Celestica's services include engineering, prototyping, manufacturing, and distribution of electronic components and systems. They focus on delivering high-quality products, reducing costs, and improving supply chain efficiency for their customers. With a global presence and a commitment to innovation and sustainability, Celestica aims to help their clients accelerate time to market and enhance their competitiveness in the rapidly evolving technology landscape. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Celestica:

Celestica Logo Celestica
10,001+ employees
Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing
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United States
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People also ask:

What does Celestica company do?
We are a leader in high-reliability design, manufacturing and supply chain solutions that brings global expertise at every stage of product development – from the drawing board to full-scale production and after-market services.
What type of business is Celestica?
Celestica Inc (Celestica) is a provider of innovative supply chain solutions. It provides design solutions, hardware platforms, and software services.
Is Celestica a big company?
One of the largest technology IPOs in Canadian history, and the largest in EMS history. A dynamic operating network across multiple geographies.
Who is Celestica owned by?
Onex acquired Celestica in 1996 from IBM for $550 million. In 2021, Celestica acquired PCI, a Singapore-based electronics manufacturing services provider, from Platinum Equity for $306 million. Based in Toronto, Onex operates two primary businesses: private equity and credit.Mar 16, 2023
How do you find similar companies to Celestica?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Celestica and compare that with other companies.

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