Convoy Inc. is a digital freight network company that connects shippers and carriers to streamline the trucking industry. They provide an online platform and mobile app for businesses to book and manage their freight transportation needs efficiently. Convoy's technology matches shippers with nearby carriers, optimizing routes and reducing empty miles, resulting in cost savings and environmental benefits. Their platform also offers real-time tracking, automated paperwork, and invoicing, improving transparency and simplifying the process for both shippers and carriers. Through their innovative approach, Convoy aims to disrupt traditional freight brokerage by leveraging technology to make trucking more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Convoy Inc:
Convoy is the nation's leading digital freight network. We move millions of truckloads around the country through our connected network of carriers, saving money for shippers, increasing earnings for drivers, and eliminating carbon waste for our planet.
Who owns Convoy Inc?
Seattle-based Convoy was founded in 2015 by Lewis and Grant Goodale, both former Amazon executives aiming to disrupt the analog and fragmented freight brokerage business, in which trucking companies are matched through customers via phone call and fax.Apr 21, 2022
Is Convoy Inc a public company?
Convoy does not currently have an official ticker symbol because this company is still private. Register today to connect with our Private Market Specialists and learn more about new pre-IPO investment opportunities.Sep 1, 2022
Is Convoy making money?
Click here to access our Convoy dataset. Convoy made $750M in 2021, growing 50% annually. It is expected to make $1B in 2022, growing 35% annually since 2018, while the North American logistics market grew by 20% in the same period.
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Convoy Inc and compare that with other companies.
Similarity score
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