Deloitte is a global professional services firm that provides a wide range of services including auditing, consulting, tax, and financial advisory. With a presence in more than 150 countries, Deloitte serves clients in various sectors such as technology, healthcare, financial services, consumer products, and government. The company assists organizations in managing risks, improving operational efficiency, and achieving their strategic goals. Deloitte's services encompass areas such as cybersecurity, digital transformation, mergers and acquisitions, sustainability, and talent development. Through its team of professionals, Deloitte offers innovative solutions, industry expertise, and deep insights to help clients navigate complex challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Deloitte:
With more than 100,000 professionals, Deloitte provides audit and assurance, tax, consulting, and risk and financial advisory services to a broad cross-section of the largest corporations and governmental agencies.
Is it hard to get a job at Deloitte?
We can estimate that based on job openings for students, Deloitte's acceptance rate is around 3.7% (which makes sense, considering it's also the biggest of the Big Four), based on 2,500 entry level job openings and 250,000 total applicants (which includes applicants to non-entry level roles).Feb 7, 2023
Does Deloitte pay a lot?
In the US, Deloitte consultants earn around $87,000-123,000 a year, while an Associate earns about $72,000-103,000 annually. Further details will be disclosed below in this article.
What is Deloitte Consulting known for?
As part of the largest management consultancy in the world, our consultants offer global experience and local knowledge to help you succeed in any public or private business environment. With more insightful business perspectives, we help focus your strengths, push your capabilities, and innovate for the future.
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Deloitte and compare that with other companies.
Similarity score
We look into multiple data points to determine company similarity score. These data points include:
CPA data
keywords companies bid on display ads on search engines
Company description keywords
Including industry indicators and specialties
Employee description keywords
what people actually do at the company
Publicly available comparison data
such as reviews of competing products/services
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