Similar companies to Duolingo

Duolingo is a language-learning platform that offers free online courses to help individuals learn various languages. The company provides interactive lessons and exercises through its website and mobile application. Duolingo's courses cover a wide range of languages, including popular ones like English, Spanish, French, German, and many more. The platform uses gamification techniques to make the learning process engaging and enjoyable, incorporating features such as points, levels, and achievements to motivate users. Duolingo also offers a premium subscription called Duolingo Plus, which provides additional features like ad-free learning, offline access, and progress tracking. With its user-friendly interface and accessible approach, Duolingo aims to make language learning accessible to everyone around the world. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Duolingo:

Duolingo Logo Duolingo
United States
501-1000 employees
Software Development
United States
1001-5000 employees
Education Administration Programs
similarity score
Preply Logo Preply
United States
201-500 employees
Technology, Information and Internet
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Grammarly Logo Grammarly
United States
501-1000 employees
Software Development
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Babbel Logo Babbel
501-1000 employees
E-Learning Providers
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People also ask:

Where is Duolingo company located?
We're headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Called the City of Bridges, it's where we're making language learning a bridge to opportunity for millions around the world. We also have offices in New York, Seattle, Beijing, and Berlin.
Is Duolingo a private company?
As a public company, I expect our employees to work with an even greater focus and intensity, and to continue to uphold the core values that have helped us get here: focusing our energy on product development, and making sure that learning with Duolingo is always fun, effective, and available to everyone.Jul 30, 2021
How much is Duolingo worth?
Interactive chart of historical net worth (market cap) for Duolingo (DUOL) over the last 10 years. How much a company is worth is typically represented by its market capitalization, or the current stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. Duolingo net worth as of August 14, 2023 is $5.64B.
Does Duolingo make a profit?
Duolingo makes about $250 million a year. In 2021, Duolingo reported $250.77 in revenue, which is an increase of 55% from 2019, when it made $70.76 million. What percentage of people finish a Duolingo course? Less than 1% of people finish a Duolingo course.Jan 9, 2023
How do you find similar companies to Duolingo?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Duolingo and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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