DynCorp International LLC is a global services provider that offers comprehensive solutions in aviation, logistics, training, and intelligence to support critical missions worldwide. With a focus on defense, diplomacy, and development, the company provides professional services to government and commercial clients. DynCorp International delivers innovative, cost-effective solutions in areas such as aircraft maintenance and support, supply chain management, and security services. They also offer specialized training and mentoring programs to enhance the capabilities of military and civilian personnel. Through their expertise and extensive global footprint, DynCorp International aims to contribute to the success of their clients' missions and promote stability and security in various regions globally. Below is the list of lookalike companies of DynCorp International LLC:
DynCorp International as such no longer exists. It is now part of the contractor Amentum Government Services Holding LLC. However, Amentum is currently the second largest government services contractor (non-equipment producer) in the US government contracting market (source).Jun 29, 2023
What type of company is DynCorp International?
DynCorp International (DI) provides a variety of aviation, logistics, training, intelligence and operational solutions services to U.S. government, commercial and military customers. The company was founded in 1946 and is based in McLean, Virginia.
Is DynCorp now Amentum?
Amentum in year one of its relaunch as a standalone company went out and acquired DynCorp International.Oct 25, 2021
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