ENGIE is a French multinational energy company that operates in the fields of electricity generation and distribution, natural gas, and renewable energy. With operations spread across more than 70 countries, ENGIE focuses on providing sustainable energy solutions and services to its customers. The company's activities include power generation from various sources, such as nuclear, gas, and renewable energy, as well as energy distribution and optimization. ENGIE also offers energy-related services like energy efficiency, facility management, and smart city solutions. Through its commitment to a low-carbon transition, ENGIE aims to play a significant role in the global energy transition towards a more sustainable future. Below is the list of lookalike companies of ENGIE:
Engie SA is a French multinational utility company, with its headquarters in La Défense, Courbevoie, which operates in the fields of electricity generation and distribution, natural gas, nuclear, renewable energy and petroleum.
Who is ENGIE owned by?
Engie Energy International, formerly International Power, is a multinational electricity generation company headquartered in Newcastle upon Tyne, and a wholly owned subsidiary of the French company Engie (formerly GDF Suez).
What are the 4 business units of ENGIE?
4 Global Business Units near to customers: Renewables, Energy Solutions, Infrastructure, Thermal Generation and Power Supply.
What does ENGIE North America do?
Leading the Energy Evolution ENGIE Services U.S. is a national energy infrastructure and building services company that helps education, government, commercial and industrial customers become more efficient, productive and sustainable.
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