Similar companies to Everlane

Everlane is a clothing retailer that focuses on transparency and sustainability. They offer a wide range of apparel and accessories for men and women. Everlane's mission is to provide high-quality products at affordable prices while maintaining ethical production practices. They are known for their minimalistic and timeless designs, offering essential wardrobe pieces that are durable and versatile. Everlane emphasizes transparency by disclosing information about their factories, production costs, and pricing to their customers. They aim to create a more sustainable fashion industry by reducing waste and ensuring fair labor practices. Through their commitment to transparency and sustainability, Everlane has gained a loyal customer base that values ethical and responsible fashion choices. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Everlane:

Everlane Logo Everlane
United States
51-200 employees
Miss Selfridge Logo Miss Selfridge
United Kingdom
1001-5000 employees
Retail Apparel and Fashion
similarity score
Nordstrom Logo Nordstrom
United States
10,001+ employees
similarity score
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Logo Abercrombie & Fitch Co.
United States
10,001+ employees
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Talbots Logo Talbots
United States
5001-10,000 employees
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People also ask:

Who is Everlane owned by?
Everlane was founded in 2010 by Michael Preysman and Jesse Farmer as a direct-to-consumer online menswear retailer. Preysman and Farmer collaborated with Andy Zhang for the sourcing of ethical materials.
Is Everlane a good company?
Buying Everlane clothes is an investment but they will last you a long time. I love their transparency and feel good about buying from the brand. They even do killer sales on their items and I've picked up a few things on super mark down. Transparent pricing, but even better, quality products.
Where is the company Everlane from?
Michael Preysman is the founder and CEO of Everlane, a direct-to-consumer design brand based in San Francisco, California.
Is Everlane made in USA?
From small craft workshops in Europe to textile supply giants in Asia, Everlane's portfolio of suppliers consists of 33 companies. In the United States, Evelane manufactures its shirts. Its supply company, Mola, is located in Los Angeles, founded in 2004 and employs about 120 people.Jan 7, 2020
How do you find similar companies to Everlane?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Everlane and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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