Similar companies to Greetabl

Greetabl is a company that specializes in creating unique and personalized gifts. They offer a wide range of customizable products, allowing customers to create one-of-a-kind gifts for their loved ones. With Greetabl, customers can select a gift box, choose from a variety of small items to include in the box, and personalize it with photos and messages. The company aims to make gift-giving more thoughtful and meaningful by providing a platform for individuals to create personalized gifts that truly express their love and appreciation. Greetabl's products are designed to bring joy and create lasting memories for both the gift giver and recipient. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Greetabl:

Greetabl Logo Greetabl
United States
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Events Services
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BOXFOX, Inc. Logo BOXFOX, Inc.
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SendaCake LLC Logo SendaCake LLC
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People also ask:

Who is the owner of Greetabl?
For Joe Fischer, Chaifetz School graduate ('04) and founder of Greetabl, a startup dedicated to thoughtful, personalized gift-giving, the path to entrepreneurship wasn't a linear one.
Where is Greetabl based?
The address of the Designated Agent is 911 Washington Ave – Suite 827, St. Louis, Missouri 63101. The telephone number of the Designated Agent is 314-472-5702. The email address of the Designated Agent is 3, 2020
What is a happy box?
Happy Box is a care package you can send to friends, family, coworkers—just about anyone who could use a “just because” gift, near or far. It contains a selection of delightful gifts curated by the sender, plus an optional note inside, all packaged up in a stylish box.Feb 14, 2022
How do you find similar companies to Greetabl?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Greetabl and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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CPA data

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Company description keywords

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