Similar companies to H2O

H2O is an open-source software company that specializes in machine learning and artificial intelligence. They provide a platform that enables businesses to build and deploy ML models at scale. Their software,, offers a user-friendly interface for data scientists and analysts to develop and test models, as well as APIs for integration with various programming languages.'s technology allows organizations to leverage data-driven insights for decision-making, predictive analytics, fraud detection, and customer segmentation, among many other applications. Their innovative approach to ML and AI empowers businesses to extract actionable intelligence from their data, driving efficiency, and enabling informed decision-making processes. Below is the list of lookalike companies of H2O:

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People also ask:

What does H2O company do?
H2O Innovation provides solutions for drinking water, wastewater and water reuse applications in several market segments, including municipal, oil & gas and food & beverage. Select an application to learn more.
What is the company profile of H2O?
H2O Innovation Inc: Overview H2O Innovation offers preservation and cleaning, operation and maintenance, engineering and after-sales services. The company serves biofuels, food and beverages, mining, power, oil and gas. It has operations in Canada, the US, Mexico and Spain.
Where is H2O headquarters?
H2O. ai's headquarters is located at 2307 Leghorn Street, Mountain View. What is H2O. ai's latest funding round?
How do you find similar companies to H2O?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of H2O and compare that with other companies.

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