Similar companies to Huel

Huel is a nutritionally complete food company that offers a range of meal replacement products. Their mission is to provide convenient and sustainable food options that are balanced, affordable, and require minimal preparation. Huel products are designed to deliver all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed for a healthy diet, making it a convenient alternative to traditional meals. Their product lineup includes powdered meal replacements, protein bars, and ready-to-drink shakes, all made from plant-based ingredients. Huel promotes its products as being suitable for vegans, gluten-free, and environmentally friendly. With an emphasis on nutrition and convenience, Huel aims to offer a practical solution for individuals looking for quick and healthy meal options. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Huel:

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People also ask:

Who is Huel owned by?
Who owns Huel? Huel is still owned by its founder Julian Hearn who holds 53% of the company's shares. Hearn co-founded the company with James Collier, a registered nutritionist who is credited with formulating the original Huel powder recipe. The remaining breakdown of Huel stock ownership is not publicly available.Mar 9, 2022
What is the Huel controversy?
Controversy. In February 2023, the British Advertising Standards Authority banned two Huel advertisements after ruling that claims that Huel could help people save money were misleading, and that one of the advertisements violated the rules on making health claims about products.
Where is the company Huel located?
Icknield Way Industrial Estate, Hertfordshire, Tring HP23 4RN.
What does Huel stand for?
Huel (Human + Fuel) is nutritionally complete food. This means every Huel meal contains a balance of all 26 essential vitamins and minerals, protein, essential fats, carbs, fibre and phytonutrients in a single product. It was started by Julian Hearn in June 2015 with a mission.
How do you find similar companies to Huel?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Huel and compare that with other companies.

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