Similar companies to Imerys

Imerys is a global leader in the extraction, processing, and distribution of specialty minerals. With a diverse range of products, the company serves various industries such as ceramics, construction, consumer goods, paper, and healthcare. Imerys operates numerous mines and processing plants worldwide, ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality minerals. The company utilizes advanced technologies to transform raw materials into innovative solutions that enhance the performance of their customers' products. Imerys focuses on sustainability and strives to minimize its environmental impact through responsible mining and resource management. With a commitment to customer satisfaction and a strong emphasis on research and development, Imerys aims to provide tailored mineral solutions that meet the ever-evolving needs of industries globally. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Imerys:

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Environmental Services
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People also ask:

What type of company is Imerys?
As the world's leading supplier of speciality minerals for industry, Imerys is organized around two segments, Performance Minerals and High-Temperature Materials & Solutions, grouping four business areas aligned to our customers in core markets.
What does Imerys make?
Imerys is the only European producer of synthetic graphite powder which goes into lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells applications at industrial scale.
Who bought out Imerys?
Platinum Equity has closed the acquisition of Imerys's High Temperature Solutions (HTS) business at around a €930 million transaction value. Paris-based HTS is a global provider of refractory products for iron and steel, thermal and foundry markets.Feb 1, 2023
How many employees does Imerys have?
The world's leading supplier of mineral-based specialty solutions for industry with €4.4 billion in revenue and 17,000 employees in 2021. Imerys delivers high value-added, functional solutions to a great number of sectors, from processing industries to consumer goods.Feb 16, 2022
How do you find similar companies to Imerys?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Imerys and compare that with other companies.

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