Inkbox is a company that specializes in creating temporary tattoos that look and feel like real ink. They offer a wide range of designs, from trendy patterns to custom creations, allowing individuals to express themselves without the commitment of a permanent tattoo. Inkbox tattoos are made from a semi-permanent ink formula that gradually fades away over time, lasting up to two weeks. The application process is simple and can be done at home using their specially designed applicator. Inkbox provides a unique and safe alternative to traditional tattoos, allowing people to experiment with different designs and placements before making a permanent decision. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Inkbox:
Brothers Tyler and Braden Handley founded Inkbox back in February 2015. Like so many other twentysomethings, they were thinking about getting tattoos but weren't totally sure what they wanted. Their styles, tastes, and opinions were constantly changing. They wished there was a tattoo that could change with them.
Who is the CEO of Inkbox tattoo?
Tyler Handley is the Co Founder and CEO at Inkbox .
Where is Inkbox tattoos headquarters?
Where is Inkbox 's headquarters? Inkbox is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada .
Where is Inkbox manufactured?
Inkbox was founded in 2015 by brothers Tyler and Braden Handley. The company is based in Toronto, Canada.Jan 18, 2022
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