Similar companies to Instacart

Instacart is a company that provides on-demand grocery delivery and pick-up services. They partner with local grocery stores and employ personal shoppers to fulfill orders placed through their mobile app or website. Customers can browse through a wide range of products and select their preferred items, including fresh produce, pantry staples, and household essentials. Instacart's personal shoppers then receive the order, go to the designated store, and handpick the items according to the customer's preferences. The groceries are then delivered to the customer's doorstep at their chosen time or made available for pick-up at the store. Instacart aims to provide convenience and time-saving options for individuals who prefer to have their groceries delivered rather than visiting the store themselves. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Instacart:

Instacart Logo Instacart
United States
1001-5000 employees
Software Development
Good Eggs Logo Good Eggs
United States
501-1000 employees
Food and Beverage Services
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DoorDash Logo DoorDash
United States
10,001+ employees
Software Development
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Shipt Logo Shipt
United States
1001-5000 employees
Software Development
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Grubhub Logo Grubhub
United States
1001-5000 employees
Software Development
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People also ask:

How much money does Instacart pay?
How much does Instacart pay per day? An average “batch” for Instacart pays between $15-20, and shoppers can do about 1 batch per hour, more or less. This means for an 8-hour shift, you can expect to earn a minimum of $120-160 per day shopping for Instacart.Aug 4, 2023
Is Instacart the same as DoorDash?
Although both DoorDash and Instacart specialize in-home deliveries, their operating models are different. DoorDash specializes in the delivery of restaurant meals, while Instacart focuses on the delivery of groceries and other household staples. The kinds of roles that are available vary by service.
Is Instacart a big company?
Founded by Apoorva Mehta and Max Mullen, the company raised $44 million in June 2014 in a round led by Andreessen Horowitz and another $210+ at the close of the year. Latest figures value the company at around $2 billion.
How do you find similar companies to Instacart?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Instacart and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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Company description keywords

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