Similar companies to J4Crew Yacht Recruitment

J4Crew Yacht Recruitment is a company that specializes in providing recruitment services for the yachting industry. They assist yacht owners and operators in finding qualified crew members to work on their vessels. The company actively recruits and screens candidates to ensure they possess the necessary skills and qualifications for various positions on board, such as captains, engineers, deckhands, stewards, and chefs. J4Crew Yacht Recruitment aims to match the right crew members with the right yachts, ensuring a seamless and efficient hiring process. They strive to provide excellent customer service and build long-term relationships with both clients and candidates in the yachting industry. Below is the list of lookalike companies of J4Crew Yacht Recruitment:

J4Crew Yacht Recruitment Logo J4Crew Yacht Recruitment
United Kingdom
1-10 employees
Staffing and Recruiting
Chappell Enterprises UK Logo Chappell Enterprises UK
United Kingdom
1-10 employees
Staffing and Recruiting
similarity score
Quay Crew Logo Quay Crew
United Kingdom
11-50 employees
Staffing and Recruiting
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Cara Lees Yacht Crew Ltd Logo Cara Lees Yacht Crew Ltd
United Kingdom
1-10 employees
Staffing and Recruiting
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City Support Limited Logo City Support Limited
United Kingdom
1-10 employees
Staffing and Recruiting
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People also ask:

How do you get hired to work on a yacht?
Dock walking is a good way of getting a job, mainly on small yachts. The usual way to obtain crew work is literally to walk the docks and marinas, visit crew agencies and even frequent pubs/cafés used by existing crew. It is important to dress appropriately, as you are selling yourself.
How do I apply to work on a Superyacht?
Sign up to dedicated yacht crew recruitment agencies, such as YPI Crew, Quay Crew. There are a few online job platforms, like Yacht Jobs and YotSpot. If you have contacts in the yachting industry, they can help you find that dream job as they will have inside knowledge and can recommend you for a job on a Superyacht.Jun 12, 2023
Who hires the crew on a yacht?
The captain
How do you find similar companies to J4Crew Yacht Recruitment?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of J4Crew Yacht Recruitment and compare that with other companies.

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