Similar companies to KOOM Alebadaa Entertainment for Escape Rooms and Board Games

KOOM Alebadaa Entertainment is a company that specializes in creating and providing immersive experiences through escape rooms and board games. With a focus on entertainment, they design and build elaborate escape room scenarios that challenge participants to solve puzzles, find clues, and ultimately escape within a given time limit. These escape rooms offer thrilling adventures and are suitable for individuals, groups, and corporate team-building activities. In addition to their escape rooms, KOOM Alebadaa also offers a range of engaging and strategic board games that cater to different age groups and interests. Their aim is to provide unique and exciting entertainment options that foster teamwork, problem-solving skills, and memorable experiences. Below is the list of lookalike companies of KOOM Alebadaa Entertainment for Escape Rooms and Board Games:

KOOM Alebadaa Entertainment for Escape Rooms and Board Games Logo KOOM Alebadaa Entertainment for Escape Rooms and Board Games
United Arab Emirates
1-10 employees
Entertainment Providers
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