Similar companies to Lemonade Insurance Brokers, PT

Lemonade Insurance Brokers, PT is an insurance brokerage company that specializes in providing insurance solutions to individuals and businesses. With a focus on customer satisfaction and innovation, they aim to simplify the insurance process by offering transparent policies and a user-friendly digital platform. Lemonade Insurance Brokers collaborates with multiple insurance providers to offer a wide range of coverage options, including auto, home, renters, and business insurance. They strive to provide personalized and tailored insurance plans that cater to the unique needs of their clients. Through their efficient and technology-driven approach, Lemonade Insurance Brokers aims to revolutionize the insurance industry by making it more accessible, affordable, and hassle-free. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Lemonade Insurance Brokers, PT:

Lemonade Insurance Brokers, PT Logo Lemonade Insurance Brokers, PT
1-10 employees
Vanbreda Risk & Benefits Logo Vanbreda Risk & Benefits
501-1000 employees
similarity score
AIMS S.A.R.L (Lebanon) Logo AIMS S.A.R.L (Lebanon)
1-10 employees
similarity score
i-risk Logo i-risk
United Arab Emirates
1-10 employees
similarity score
Aston Lark Logo Aston Lark
United Kingdom
1001-5000 employees
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People also ask:

Who is the parent company of Lemonade Insurance?
Lemonade, Inc., a publicly traded company, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and is a public benefit corporation organized under Delaware law. Lemonade Inc. is the parent company for a group of subsidiary companies. More about the group structure can be found in our Legal Stuff section.
Is lemonade an insurance carrier or broker?
Lemonade Insurance Company, an insurance corporation organized under New York law. This company issues your policy and pays your claims.
Is Lemonade a legit company?
While Lemonade doesn't have a financial stability rating from AM Best, a popular insurance rating agency, it received a rating of "A" from Demotech, which evaluates the stability of regional and specialty insurers. This rating indicates that Lemonade has an "exceptional" ability to pay out claims.Jul 19, 2023
How is lemonade different from other insurance companies?
Lemonade is a public benefit corporation and employs a program called Giveback. While most major insurance companies keep leftover premiums as profit, Lemonade donates these extra funds to the charity of your choice.
How do you find similar companies to Lemonade Insurance Brokers, PT?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Lemonade Insurance Brokers, PT and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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