Similar companies to Lexington Law Firm

Lexington Law Firm is a professional organization that specializes in credit repair and restoration services. With years of experience, they assist individuals in improving their credit scores by identifying and disputing any inaccuracies or errors present on their credit reports. The firm works closely with clients to develop personalized strategies to address their unique credit concerns, including negative items such as late payments, collections, bankruptcies, and more. Lexington Law Firm also offers credit education and guidance to help clients understand the factors influencing their credit scores and make informed financial decisions. Through their expertise and commitment, they strive to provide effective solutions for clients seeking to rebuild their credit profiles and achieve financial stability. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Lexington Law Firm:

Lexington Law Firm Logo Lexington Law Firm
United States
201-500 employees
Financial Services
United States
11-50 employees
Financial Services
similarity score
L.E.A.F  Credit Solutions Logo L.E.A.F Credit Solutions
United States
11-50 employees
Financial Services
similarity score
GreenPointe Financial Logo GreenPointe Financial
United States
1-10 employees
Financial Services
similarity score Logo
United States
501-1000 employees
Financial Services
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People also ask:

Does Lexington Law have a lawsuit against them?
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has filed a motion in its case against Lexington Law, asking the judge to assess $3.1 billion in penalties — in the form of redress to consumers and fines — arguing that is the amount that the defendants “took” from four million consumers.Apr 13, 2023
Is Lexington a law firm?
The Lexington Law Group specializes in enforcing laws that protect consumers, the environment and public health.
What credit bureau owns Lexington Law?
It's owned by the company Progrexion, which also includes the brands and Progrexion has partnerships with FICO plus the top three credit bureaus, TransUnion, Experian and Equifax. More information about Lexington Law's company makeup can be found below.Nov 2, 2022
Can Lexington Law remove unpaid collections?
If you dispute the notice and Collections Unlimited can't verify it, it could be removed from your credit report. Lexington Law Firm is a professional credit repair organization that helps individuals remove false, unsubstantiated, unfair or inaccurate negative items, such as charge offs, from their reports.
How do you find similar companies to Lexington Law Firm?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Lexington Law Firm and compare that with other companies.

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