Similar companies to Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc.

Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc. is a company that provides emergency medical alert systems and services to individuals in need. Their primary product is a wearable device integrated with a wireless communication system that connects users to a 24/7 emergency response center. In case of a medical emergency, users can press a button on the device to immediately notify the response center, which then contacts the appropriate emergency services. Life Alert also offers additional services, such as fall detection and GPS tracking, to ensure the safety and well-being of their customers. With their reliable and prompt emergency response system, Life Alert aims to provide peace of mind and support to individuals, especially the elderly and those with medical conditions. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc.:

Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc. Logo Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc.
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People also ask:

Who owns the Life Alert company?
Miri Shepher - Owner - Life Alert | LinkedIn.
Is Life Alert a public company?
Life Alert systems is another common name in the emergency response system world. While Lifeline is a publicly traded company, Life Alert remains privately held. Its corporate headquarters are located in Southern California but Life Alert is still able to provide service for the entire country.Feb 14, 2018
Is Life Alert still in business?
Life Alert is a well-known medical alert company that has been in business for more than 30 years.Aug 2, 2023
How do I get out of my Life Alert contract?
Life Alert requires users to sign a three-year contract, which you can only terminate if the user dies or a family member shows proof the user is receiving 24-hour nursing care. You can cancel Medical Guardian subscriptions at any time, and it will refund any unused fees.
How do you find similar companies to Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc.?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc. and compare that with other companies.

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