Lutheran Social Services is a non-profit organization that provides a wide range of social services to individuals and families in need. With a commitment to serving the community, they offer various programs and support services to address the physical, emotional, and social well-being of individuals. These services may include but are not limited to affordable housing assistance, child and family services, adoption and foster care, counseling, senior care, refugee and immigration support, and disaster response. By promoting social justice and advocating for vulnerable populations, Lutheran Social Services aims to empower individuals and create positive change within communities. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Lutheran Social Services:
We amplify the faith based voice of a $23 billion network through advocacy on policy matters affecting children, older adults, families, people with disabilities, veterans, refugees and others experiencing need in the United States.
How do I contact Lutheran Social Services MN?
Questions? Find who to dial for assistance. For any other language, call 651.967. 5060 and dial 0.
Where is Lutheran services headquarters in America?
Lutheran Services in America. Headquartered in Washington, DC, Lutheran Services in America amplifies the voice of its $23 billion network to champion community leaders and advance policies and practices that address the most critical challenges in our communities and empower people to lead their best lives.
Who is the CEO of Lssny?
President & Chief Executive Officer - Damyn Kelly, J.D., PhD.
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