Similar companies to MasterClass

MasterClass is an online education platform that offers virtual courses taught by renowned professionals in various fields. With the aim of making knowledge accessible to all, MasterClass provides high-quality video lessons and interactive learning experiences to individuals seeking to enhance their skills or explore new interests. Covering a wide range of subjects such as writing, music, cooking, sports, business, and more, MasterClass allows users to learn directly from industry leaders and experts like Serena Williams, Gordon Ramsay, Neil Gaiman, and many others. Through engaging content, instructional videos, and downloadable workbooks, MasterClass offers a unique opportunity for individuals to learn from the best and hone their talents in an immersive online environment. Below is the list of lookalike companies of MasterClass:

MasterClass Logo MasterClass
United States
201-500 employees
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Udemy Logo Udemy
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Pearl - Enterprise Tutoring Platform Logo Pearl - Enterprise Tutoring Platform
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People also ask:

Who owns MasterClass?
David Rogier
What type of company is MasterClass?
MasterClass General Information Developer of an online education platform designed to offer video-based online vocational courses taught by celebrities, athletes, and business executives.
Is MasterClass a company?
MasterClass is a provider of an online education platform designed to offer video based vocational courses.
Is MasterClass a successful company?
Looking at the last valuation, we can note down that MasterClass was mentioned to be worth $2.75 billion in 2021.Jan 18, 2023
How do you find similar companies to MasterClass?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of MasterClass and compare that with other companies.

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