Similar companies to Mondelēz International

Mondelēz International is a multinational confectionery, food, and beverage company. It is known for manufacturing and marketing a wide range of popular snack products, including chocolates, biscuits, gum, candies, and beverages. With a presence in over 150 countries, Mondelēz International boasts a portfolio of well-known brands such as Cadbury, Milka, Oreo, Toblerone, Trident, and Tang. The company focuses on delivering sweet and savory treats to consumers worldwide, catering to their diverse tastes and preferences. Additionally, Mondelēz International strives to promote sustainability and responsible sourcing practices across its supply chain, aiming to make a positive impact on the communities it operates in. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Mondelēz International:

Mondelēz International Logo Mondelēz International
United States
10,001+ employees
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
Oreo company Logo Oreo company
United States
51-200 employees
Food and Beverage Manufacturing
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1-10 employees
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Nova Campinas Distribuidora Logo Nova Campinas Distribuidora
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Tyson Foods Logo Tyson Foods
United States
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People also ask:

What brands does Mondelēz International own?
Mondelez International's portfolio includes several billion-dollar components, among them cookie, cracker, and candy brands Belvita, Chips Ahoy!, Oreo, Ritz, TUC, Triscuit, Nabisco, LU, Sour Patch Kids, Barny, and Peek Freans; chocolate brands Milka, Côte d'Or, Toblerone, Cadbury, Green & Black's, Freia, Marabou, and ...
Is mondelez a chocolate company?
We hold the #1 global position in biscuits (cookies and crackers) and #2 in chocolate, while we're growing rapidly in baked snacks. We also make and sell gum & candy as well as various cheese & grocery and powdered beverage products in certain markets.
Who owns mondelez foods?
Mondelez International Inc (NASDAQ:MDLZ) Institutional investors hold a majority ownership of MDLZ through the 79.72% of the outstanding shares that they control. This interest is also higher than at almost any other company in the Food: Major Diversified industry.
Is Nabisco owned by Mondelez?
Nabisco (/nəˈbɪskoʊ/, abbreviated from the earlier name National Biscuit Company) is an American manufacturer of cookies and snacks headquartered in East Hanover, New Jersey. The company is a subsidiary of Illinois-based Mondelēz International.
How do you find similar companies to Mondelēz International?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Mondelēz International and compare that with other companies.

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