Similar companies to Morphisec

Morphisec is a cybersecurity company that provides advanced threat prevention and endpoint protection solutions. Their innovative technology aims to prevent attacks by creating a moving target defense that constantly changes the attack surface, making it difficult for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities. Morphisec's solution is designed to protect endpoints, such as desktops and servers, from various threats, including fileless attacks, zero-days, and evasive malware. By leveraging their patented moving target defense approach, Morphisec helps organizations proactively defend against cyber threats, reducing the risk of data breaches and system compromise. Their goal is to provide robust cybersecurity solutions that offer businesses a proactive defense strategy against emerging and sophisticated attacks. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Morphisec:

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People also ask:

Who is the CEO of Morphisec?
CEO & board member Morphisec co-founder and CEO Ronen Yehoshua has over 20 years of technology management and venture capital experience. Prior to Morphisec, Ronen was a partner at Cedar Fund, an international venture capital firm with over $325M under management.
How does morphisec work?
Morphisec prevents advanced attacks by dismantling their delivery mechanisms and kill chain; detection never comes into it. Moving Target Defense morphs the memory so attacks can't find their target. Even the most advanced evasive exploits and fileless malware are instantly stopped.
What is automated moving target defense?
AMTD is based on a basic premise taken from military strategy, that a moving target is harder to attack than a stationary one. AMTD uses strategies that orchestrate movement or changes in IT environments across the attack surface to increase uncertainty and complexity for attackers.Jul 18, 2023
How do you find similar companies to Morphisec?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Morphisec and compare that with other companies.

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