Similar companies to Mountain Rose Herbs

Mountain Rose Herbs is a company that specializes in providing high-quality organic herbs, spices, teas, and essential oils. They are dedicated to sourcing their products sustainably, with a focus on fair trade and organic farming practices. Mountain Rose Herbs offers a wide range of products, including culinary herbs, medicinal herbs, herbal extracts, and herbal supplements. They also provide natural body care products and DIY supplies for creating homemade herbal remedies and skincare products. With a commitment to environmental stewardship, Mountain Rose Herbs aims to promote wellness and sustainability by offering natural and ethically sourced botanical products. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Mountain Rose Herbs:

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People also ask:

Who owns Mountain Rose Herbs?
On September 30, 2020, after 30 years of leadership, Julie Bailey retired and passed full ownership of Mountain Rose Herbs to Shawn Donnille. In December 2020, Mountain Rose Herbs purchased the Phoenix Industrial Park in Eugene, marking the fourth time in twenty years that the business has outgrown its facilities.
Where is Mountain Rose Herbs headquarters?
Mountain Rose Herbs Mercantile, located in the Farmers' Union Marketplace in downtown Eugene, Oregon, offers our amazing selection for purchase in person. In 2017, we also began producing our own extracts, elixirs, and syrups as part of an asset acquisition from the small local company Terra Firma Botanicals.
Is Mountain Rose Herbs ethical?
Mountain Rose Herbs also became fair trade certified by IMO's Fair for Life Program. The first line of herbal extracts debuted, featuring over 100 tinctures made with certified organic alcohol and organically grown or ethically wild-harvested plant material.
What is the phone number for Mountain Rose Herbs?
Our customer service representatives are available to assist you at our toll-free number (800) 879-3337 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday.
How do you find similar companies to Mountain Rose Herbs?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Mountain Rose Herbs and compare that with other companies.

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