Similar companies to Oasis Financial

Oasis Financial is a company that specializes in providing financial assistance to individuals involved in personal injury lawsuits. They offer pre-settlement funding, also known as lawsuit loans, to help individuals cover immediate expenses while waiting for their case to settle. These loans are non-recourse, meaning they are only repaid if the plaintiff wins their lawsuit. Oasis Financial understands the financial strain that plaintiffs may face during the lengthy legal process, and aims to provide them with the necessary funds to cover medical bills, living expenses, and other financial obligations. Their services aim to alleviate financial stress and allow plaintiffs to focus on their recovery and pursuing their legal claims. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Oasis Financial:

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People also ask:

Does Oasis take money directly from settlement?
Pricing for funding is determined by the specifics of your case. Apply for free and get full pricing details upon approval. Fees are competitive, and you pay nothing out of pocket — payment comes out of the settlement. You owe nothing if you don't win your case.
What percentage does Oasis Financial charge?
Get Out of Debt Guy reports that before the lawsuit, Oasis was charging customers interest rate APRs “ranging from 60 percent to 125 percent.” Oasis countersued the State of Colorado, asserting that “the state was improperly trying to regulate them as lenders under the Uniform Consumer Credit Code.”
Does Oasis do credit check?
Oasis Financial is another option for quick funding while awaiting your lawsuit settlement. The application is quick and easy and doesn't involve a credit check. Once Oasis has spoken with your attorney, you'll find out whether your pre settlement funding request has been approved and for how much.Mar 30, 2023
What is an oasis settlement?
About Oasis Financial Oasis Financial has grown to be one of the largest pre-settlement funding companies. They claim to provide $500 – $100,000 pre-settlement advances within 24 hours of approval. Like most companies, Oasis Financial settlement loans come with a no-win / no-pay structure.
How do you find similar companies to Oasis Financial?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Oasis Financial and compare that with other companies.

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