Similar companies to OneDrive

OneDrive is a cloud storage and file hosting service provided by Microsoft. It allows users to store and access their files and documents from anywhere and on any device with an internet connection. Users can upload, share, and collaborate on files, making it convenient for individuals and businesses to work remotely and share information with others. OneDrive offers various features such as automatic backup, file synchronization, and integration with Microsoft Office applications. It provides a secure and reliable platform for storing and managing data, allowing users to easily organize and access their files. Overall, OneDrive simplifies file storage and sharing, enhancing productivity and collaboration. Below is the list of lookalike companies of OneDrive:

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People also ask:

Which company is OneDrive?
Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Storage and File Sharing | Microsoft 365.
Is OneDrive owned by Apple?
iCloud is not the same as OneDrive, OneDrive belongs to Microsoft while iCloud belongs to Apple. Recently there was a change in the policy of Microsoft about the storage size of users.Apr 8, 2023
Is OneDrive part of Google or Microsoft?
OneDrive is a Microsoft cloud storage solution, while Google Drive is (you guessed it) a Google cloud storage solution. The biggest difference between the two may be storage capacity—OneDrive has 5 GB of free storage plus 100 GB and 1 TB paid options.Sep 13, 2023
Is OneDrive made by Microsoft?
OneDrive is the Microsoft cloud service that connects you to all your files. It lets you store and protect your files, share them with others, and get to them from anywhere on all your devices.
How do you find similar companies to OneDrive?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of OneDrive and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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CPA data

keywords companies bid on display ads on search engines

Company description keywords

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what people actually do at the company

Publicly available comparison data

such as reviews of competing products/services

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