Outschool is an online learning platform that offers a wide range of virtual classes and courses for children aged 3-18. They provide live, interactive classes taught by qualified instructors on various subjects, including math, science, coding, music, art, and language. Outschool aims to provide unique and engaging learning experiences that supplement and enhance traditional education. Students can choose from a diverse catalog of classes, join small-group discussions, and interact with peers from around the world. The platform allows parents to easily find and enroll their children in classes that match their interests and educational goals. Outschool seeks to make education more accessible, personalized, and enjoyable for students of all backgrounds. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Outschool:
Outschool is a private company and not publicly traded.Jun 12, 2022
Who is the CEO of Outschool?
Amir Nathoo is a Co-Founder and CEO at Outschool. He attended the University of Cambridge.
How much is the Outschool company worth?
Outschool's after-school enrichment marketplace is now valued at $3 billion.Oct 14, 2021
What does Outschool do?
Outschool is an education platform that offers online classes for kids and teens ages 3-18. Unlike traditional classes, Outschool classes let kids and teens explore their interests with live Zoom and flexible classes taught by experienced, independent educators.
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