Similar companies to Procter & Gamble

Procter & Gamble (P&G) is a multinational consumer goods company. They specialize in a wide range of products, including personal care, cleaning agents, and hygiene products. P&G's extensive brand portfolio includes globally recognized names such as Pampers, Tide, Gillette, Head & Shoulders, and Oral-B. The company operates in numerous markets worldwide and focuses on delivering innovative and high-quality products to enhance consumers' lives. With a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, P&G aims to make a positive impact on the environment and communities. They prioritize customer satisfaction and continuously strive to meet evolving consumer needs through their diverse product offerings. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Procter & Gamble:

Procter & Gamble Logo Procter & Gamble
United States
10,001+ employees
Sysco Logo Sysco
United States
10,001+ employees
Food and Beverage Services
similarity score
Mars Logo Mars
United States
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Sandberg Strategic Consulting Logo Sandberg Strategic Consulting
United States
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United States
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People also ask:

What does the Procter & Gamble company do?
Procter & Gamble is an American consumer goods giant specializing in a wide range of personal care and hygiene products.
What is P&G's biggest brand?
As of 2022, three of the company's brands were ranked within the top fifteen personal care brands in the world; the leading one being Pampers, which had a brand value of approximately 20 billion U.S. dollars. Procter & Gamble is also one of the biggest spenders in the world when it comes to its advertising campaigns.6 days ago
Who owns Procter and Gamble company?
The ownership structure of Procter & Gamble (PG) stock is a mix of institutional, retail and individual investors. Approximately 43.36% of the company's stock is owned by Institutional Investors, 0.13% is owned by Insiders and 56.51% is owned by Public Companies and Individual Investors.
What is the main business of P&G?
P&G was founded over 180 years ago as a simple soap and candle company. Today, we're the world's largest consumer goods company and home to iconic, trusted brands that make life a little bit easier in small but meaningful ways.
How do you find similar companies to Procter & Gamble?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Procter & Gamble and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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