Rhoback is a clothing company that offers a wide range of performance apparel for men and women. Their products are designed to combine comfort, style, and functionality, making them suitable for various activities and sports. Rhoback's collection includes polo shirts, t-shirts, quarter-zip pullovers, hats, and accessories. They focus on using high-quality materials and innovative technology to ensure their clothing is durable, moisture-wicking, and quick-drying. Additionally, Rhoback aims to create a sense of community among its customers by organizing events, promoting an active lifestyle, and supporting charitable causes. Their brand is known for its vibrant patterns and modern designs, appealing to individuals who value both performance and fashion. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Rhoback:
Rhoback is located in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States .
What kind of company is Rhoback?
Rhoback General Information The company's platform offers activewear clothing which is made using performance fabrics, enabling customers to access clothing that can adjust to both active and leisure lifestyles.
Who is the founder of Rhoback?
The founders of Rhoback didn't wait until graduation from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business to start their company. Instead, Kristina Loftus (Class of 2017) and her husband, Matt Loftus (MBA '16), used the assets of the School and the i.Feb 12, 2017
Where is the Rhoback company located?
Where is Rhoback located? Rhoback's headquarters are located at 1180 Seminole Trl Ste 317, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22901, United States What is Rhoback's phone number? Rhoback's phone number is (434) 284-5488 What is Rhoback's official website?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Rhoback and compare that with other companies.
Similarity score
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CPA data
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Company description keywords
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