Similar companies to SFR

SFR is a leading French telecommunications company that provides a wide range of services in the fields of mobile telephony, fixed-line telephony, internet, and television. It offers mobile plans, internet connections, and TV packages to both residential and business customers. SFR operates a high-speed mobile network and has a significant presence in the French market, serving millions of subscribers. The company aims to provide reliable and advanced communication solutions to its customers, ensuring seamless connectivity and access to digital services. SFR also offers various entertainment and media services, including video-on-demand and streaming platforms. Its commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction has established SFR as a prominent player in the telecommunications industry in France. Below is the list of lookalike companies of SFR:

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People also ask:

Is SFR a company?
SFR Business is the telecom operator company that develops telecoms solutions and ICT services. The company offers home phone, mobile telephony, high speed internet, and mobile internet services. It is based in Paris, France.
What is the parent company of SFR business?
Vodafone had a 44% share in SFR until April 2011, when it sold its entire share back to SFR's founding parent company Vivendi. SFR is a major partner network of Vodafone in France.
Is SFR a French brand?
No matter how many modifications the SFR logo has undergone, it has always preserved its core: the three letters of the company name in a lean, elongated uppercase sans. Established in 1987, SFR is a French company offering mobile communications and the internet. It is headquartered in Altice Campus, Paris, France.Jan 29, 2023
Where is the head office of SFR France?
SFR Group's headquarters are located at 16 Rue Gal Boissieu, Paris, Ile-de-France, 75015, France What is SFR Group's phone number? SFR Group's phone number is +33 567275943 What is SFR Group's official website?
How do you find similar companies to SFR?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of SFR and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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