Society6 is an online marketplace that connects independent artists and designers with customers looking for unique and creative products. Artists can upload their artwork onto the platform, which is then made available to customers as a range of products including wall art, home decor, apparel, accessories, and more. Society6 handles the production, printing, and shipping of the products, allowing artists to focus solely on creating their art. Customers can browse through a wide variety of designs and styles, supporting artists by purchasing their work in various forms. Society6 aims to provide a platform for artists to showcase and monetize their artwork while offering customers a diverse selection of artistic products. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Society6:
Society6 is located in Santa Monica, California, United States .
Is Society6 a legit company?
If you're wondering whether Society6 is legit and safe, the answer is yes! The platform offers a variety of unique and high-quality wall art pieces from artists around the world. You can be sure that you're not dealing with a scam, as Society6 has been around for much longer than some other online marketplaces.May 2, 2023
Who is Society6 owned by?
Society6 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Leaf Group Ltd. (NYSE:LEAF). About Leaf Group: Leaf Group Ltd.Sep 8, 2020
Is Society6 an ethical company?
Society6 does not offer sellers product samples, but they do claim to be ethically and environmentally conscious. These are all aspects to consider when choosing what brand to involve your work with.Jan 19, 2022
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Society6 and compare that with other companies.
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