Similar companies to Solocal

Solocal is a French digital marketing company that specializes in providing online advertising solutions and digital services to small and medium-sized businesses. They help businesses establish an online presence by offering a range of digital marketing tools such as website creation, search engine optimization, online advertising campaigns, and social media management. Solocal aims to assist companies in reaching their target audience and increasing their visibility in search engine results. They also offer analytics and reporting to track the effectiveness of marketing efforts. With their expertise in digital marketing, Solocal aims to help businesses succeed in the online marketplace. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Solocal:

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1001-5000 employees
Advertising Services
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51-200 employees
Advertising Services
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People also ask:

What does Solocal do?
Solocal Group (Solocal) is a digital marketing and publishing company. It offers online content, website development, digital advertising, digital portal, online presence management, publishing, sales of advertising, distribution, transactional services and advertising solutions, which connect consumers and clients.
How many employees does Solocal have?
SOLOCAL GROUP operates under Advertising Agencies classification in France and is traded on Paris Stock Exchange. It employs 2813 people.
How do you find similar companies to Solocal?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Solocal and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


We look into multiple data points to determine company similarity score. These data points include:

CPA data

keywords companies bid on display ads on search engines

Company description keywords

Including industry indicators and specialties

Employee description keywords

what people actually do at the company

Publicly available comparison data

such as reviews of competing products/services

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