Similar companies to Spring Health

Spring Health is a company that provides mental health solutions and support to individuals and organizations. They offer a comprehensive platform that connects users with personalized mental healthcare resources. Through their technology-driven approach, Spring Health delivers assessments to identify mental health issues and matches users with the most appropriate treatment options, including therapy, medication, or digital programs. They also provide ongoing support and monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of the chosen treatment. Spring Health aims to improve mental health outcomes and reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness by making mental healthcare accessible, convenient, and tailored to individual needs. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Spring Health:

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People also ask:

How does Spring Health work?
We use data to deliver the right care at the right time. Our proprietary technology screens for over 10 mental health conditions and uses machine-learning to direct members to the right care at the right time.
Who is the founder of Spring Health?
And April Koh is founder and CEO of Spring Health, a digital wellness platform aimed at making mental wellbeing easy to navigate for businesses and employees.
Who is the CEO of Spring Health?
Spring Health Notches A $190 Million Series C At A $2 Billion Valuation, Making CEO April Koh The... Spring Health, the mental health startup founded by Under 30 alumni April Koh and Adam Chekroud, has secured $190 million in Series C funding, propelling the company to unicorn status.
How long has Spring Health been in business?
Founded in 2016, the startup has been focused on growth of late. It announced that the company doubled its headcount in 2022. Spring Health has also expanded through M&A.Apr 12, 2023
How do you find similar companies to Spring Health?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Spring Health and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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