Similar companies to Suntech Recycle Inc

Suntech Recycle Inc. is an electronic recycling company that specializes in the safe and environmentally responsible disposal of electronic waste (e-waste). They provide services for individuals, businesses, and organizations to recycle their old or unused electronic devices. Suntech Recycle Inc. aims to reduce the negative impact of e-waste on the environment by properly recycling and disposing of electronic equipment, including computers, laptops, smartphones, televisions, and more. They follow strict recycling guidelines and regulations to ensure the secure handling and processing of e-waste materials. Suntech Recycle Inc. also offers data destruction services to protect sensitive information stored on electronic devices before recycling them. Their goal is to promote sustainability and minimize the harmful effects of electronic waste on our planet. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Suntech Recycle Inc:

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People also ask:

What is the largest e waste recycle company in the world?
Founded by John Shegerian, ERI is the world's largest privately held recycler of electronics, recycling more than 275 million pounds of e-waste annually.
How do you find similar companies to Suntech Recycle Inc?
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