The Princeton Review is an American educational company that offers test preparation services, tutoring, and admissions resources to students. They specialize in helping students prepare for standardized tests such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, and LSAT. Their test preparation programs aim to improve students' scores and provide them with strategies and techniques to succeed in these exams. The company also offers tutoring services in various subjects, including math, science, and languages. Additionally, The Princeton Review provides college and graduate school admissions counseling to guide students through the application process. Their mission is to assist students in achieving their academic goals and gain admission to their desired schools. Below is the list of lookalike companies of The Princeton Review:
The company is no longer affiliated with its former parent, Education Holdings 1, Inc. On March 31, 2017, ST Unitas acquired The Princeton Review for an undisclosed sum. In January 2022, Primavera Capital Group acquired The Princeton Review and from ST Unitas.
Is The Princeton Review reputable?
For more than 40 years, students and their families have trusted The Princeton Review to help them get into their dream schools.
Is The Princeton Review affiliated with Princeton University?
The Princeton Review is headquartered in New York, NY. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University. For more information, visit and the company's Media Center .Dec 28, 2022
Who is the CEO of Princeton Review?
Joshua Hyoung-Jun Park is the Chief Executive Officer at Princeton Review.
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