Thirty-One Gifts is a company that specializes in personalized bags, accessories, and home organization solutions. With a mission to celebrate, encourage, and empower women, they offer a wide range of products that are both stylish and functional. From tote bags, purses, and backpacks to storage bins, thermal bags, and home décor items, Thirty-One Gifts aims to help individuals organize their lives while expressing their personal style. They provide an opportunity for customers to customize their products with monograms, embroidery, or other personalization options. Through their network of independent consultants, Thirty-One Gifts also offers a direct sales model, empowering women to run their own businesses by selling their products and building their own teams. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Thirty-One Gifts:
About Cindy Monroe Cindy Monroe founded Thirty-One Gifts in the basement of her Chattanooga, Tennessee, home in 2003. Today she is active as the company's Founder, building relationships with Thirty-One sales consultants and establishing strategic plans to grow and expand the brand.Oct 18, 2022
Is Thirty-One still a company?
Today, Thirty-One Gifts helps women across the U.S. and Canada run their own businesses and make extra income by selling functional, beautiful products that make life easier.
Is Thirty-One Gifts a MLM?
Is Thirty-One Gifts A Pyramid Scheme or MLM? No, Thirty-One Gifts is not a pyramid scheme or Multi-Level Marketing company. Thirty-One Gifts is a Direct Sales company and member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA). If you're interested in the DSA Code of Ethics or learning more about Direct Sales, visit the DSA.Apr 9, 2021
What is the company profile of Thirty-One Gifts?
Thirty-One Gifts LLC retails stationery products. The Company offers flat iron case, scarf, pouch, cosmetic bag set, notepads, thermal tote, mini utility bin, wallets, and greeting cards. Thirty-One Gifts markets its products in the United States.
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Thirty-One Gifts and compare that with other companies.
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CPA data
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Company description keywords
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