Similar companies to Turo

Turo is a peer-to-peer car sharing company that allows people to rent vehicles from individual car owners. It operates as an online marketplace where car owners can list their vehicles for rental, while potential renters can browse and book the available cars. Turo provides a platform that connects car owners and renters, enabling a convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional car rental services. The company handles the logistics, insurance, and payment processing, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for both parties. Turo offers a wide range of vehicle options, from economy cars to luxury and specialty vehicles, catering to different needs and preferences. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Turo:

Turo Logo Turo
United States
501-1000 employees
Technology, Information and Internet
United States
1001-5000 employees
Software Development
similarity score
Hertz Logo Hertz
United States
10,001+ employees
Travel Arrangements
similarity score
Enterprise Holdings Logo Enterprise Holdings
United States
10,001+ employees
Travel Arrangements
similarity score
5001-10,000 employees
Travel Arrangements
similarity score
+500 more lookalike companies

People also ask:

What company owns Turo?
San Francisco, California, U.S. United States (except state of NY), Canada, and the UK. In July 2019, the American holding company IAC invested $250 million in Turo, a deal that valued the company at more than $1 billion.
How much do Turo owners get paid?
The Average Turo Hosts Make $500 to $1,000 Per Month The company has an online calculator. Turo's online calculator considers annual loan payments for your vehicle, average rental rates for your vehicle on Turo, and the estimated value of your vehicle, among other factors.Feb 4, 2023
Do people actually make money with Turo?
Yes, renting on Turo can be profitable. The key is using strategies that help you get more bookings and earn consistent income. There are many, but a big one is to acquire one of the best cars on Turo, and optimize for popularity and utility.Mar 28, 2023
Is Turo com a valid company?
Ultimately, Turo is a safe and legitimate way to rent a car from a local host. Since 2010, Turo has grown into a popular service with more than 332K total app ratings and an “Excellent” ranking on Trustpilot from consumers. To get started, you can download the app for iPhone or Android or visit the company's website.May 17, 2023
How do you find similar companies to Turo?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Turo and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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