Similar companies to Vantel Pearls In The Oyster

Vantel Pearls In The Oyster is a company that specializes in selling unique and customizable pearl jewelry. With a focus on the beauty and elegance of pearls, they offer a range of products including necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings. What sets Vantel Pearls apart is their unique concept of opening oysters to reveal a hidden pearl inside. Customers can purchase oysters online or at parties, and then eagerly anticipate the surprise of discovering a beautiful pearl. These pearls can be used to create personalized jewelry pieces or cherished as keepsakes. Vantel Pearls In The Oyster aims to provide a memorable and interactive experience for pearl enthusiasts, making their jewelry collection truly one-of-a-kind. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Vantel Pearls In The Oyster:

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People also ask:

Is Vantel Pearls still in business?
Vantel Pearls Founder Joan Hartel Cabral announced her retirement publicly this week after announcing to the brand's affiliates last week that the company would also be closing.Jul 20, 2021
Are the pearls in the oyster necklaces real?
Ebay: Pearl in Oyster These are real pearls (low quality) processed at a pearl processing factory overseas, color-treated / dyed and often off round. They are then inserted into a long dead Akoya pearl oyster.Nov 5, 2018
How rare is it to find a pearl in an oyster?
Today, natural pearls are extremely rare. Only 1 in about 10,000 wild oysters will yield a pearl and of those, only a small percentage achieve the size, shape and colour desirable to the jewellery industry.
Who is the owner of Vantel Pearls?
Joan Hartel Cabral - Owner and President - Vantel Pearls, Inc.
How do you find similar companies to Vantel Pearls In The Oyster?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Vantel Pearls In The Oyster and compare that with other companies.

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