Similar companies to Whatfix

Whatfix is a software company that provides a digital adoption platform (DAP) to help businesses simplify their processes and improve user experience. Their platform offers interactive guides, tooltips, and self-help widgets to guide users through various applications, websites, and software systems. Whatfix's DAP enables organizations to create personalized onboarding and training materials, automate repetitive tasks, and enhance productivity. It also allows businesses to analyze user behavior and gather insights to optimize processes and reduce support costs. Their solution is applicable across industries and can be integrated seamlessly into existing software systems, making it easier for users to navigate and utilize digital tools effectively. Below is the list of lookalike companies of Whatfix:

Whatfix Logo Whatfix
United States
501-1000 employees
Technology, Information and Internet
WalkMe™ Logo WalkMe™
United States
1001-5000 employees
Software Development
similarity score
Apty Logo Apty
United States
51-200 employees
Software Development
similarity score
Product Fruits Logo Product Fruits
11-50 employees
IT Services and IT Consulting
similarity score
Toonimo Logo Toonimo
United States
11-50 employees
Technology, Information and Internet
similarity score
+500 more lookalike companies

People also ask:

Who is the owner of Whatfix?
About. Khadim Batti is the Co-founder and CEO of Whatfix. Khadim co-founded Whatfix with Vara Kumar in 2014 with the mission of empowering individuals and organizations to freely use and experience the maximum benefits of technology.
Is Whatfix a SaaS company?
Synopsis. Bengaluru and San Jose-headquartered software-as-a-service (SaaS) startup Whatfix has been dragged to court by its Israeli-origin and Nasdaq-listed rival WalkMe.6 days ago
What is the tagline of Whatfix company?
At Whatfix, we believe in hiring “People better than us” and it's no secret that our people are our biggest strength. “Hustle Mode ON” is the motto we live by and so do our people.
What is the Whatfix authoring tool?
Whatfix is an interactive digital adoption platform that helps accelerate time to proficiency on your applications with in-app training and contextual on-demand support.Sep 13, 2023
How do you find similar companies to Whatfix?
We look into multiple data points: CPP ads data, company description, company employee experience and skills. We also use AI to summarize and extract keywords from the home page of Whatfix and compare that with other companies.

Similarity score


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CPA data

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Company description keywords

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what people actually do at the company

Publicly available comparison data

such as reviews of competing products/services

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